This is the IBM's new way of remote user login specially designed for Google products
By the way pls download the image to see the architectural design
Get-esxcli will help us to run the CLI commands over the host directly but to extend it we cannot run certain commands directly over the host, In such case, we can use the below script to run directly on the host and achieve our goals. One shot with the script to achieve multiple targets My target was given to check the status of smartd services in each host and disable it, So I have put the commands on the variable $cmd and $cmd2 and executing it in all the machines, which has been feed in the variable $machines , command get executed in all the hosts fed in the variable $machines . Script : $user = '' $pswd = '' $cmd = 'etc/init.d/smartd status' $cmd2 = 'chkconfig smartd off' $machines = Get-Content "" foreach ( $MACHINE in $machines ) { Get-VMHost -Name $MACHINE | % { $ssh = Get-VMHostService -VMHost $_ | where { $_ . Key -eq 'TSM-SSH' } if ( ! $ssh . Running)...
Today my motto is to change the path policy of the scsi lun from Fixed to round robin. It’s always a pain to change the path policy of the scsi lun device, it takes hours of time to change the path manually in case if we have the large environments of say 2000 ESXi and with more than 400 Devices connected with the Esxi. so we used some Powercli and create a loop to perform the redundant task well in crisp words we tried to automate this task which could save hours of manual works Code: $server = Get-content "C:\hostfile.txt" foreach ($i in $server) { Get-ScsiLun -VmHost $i -CanonicalName "naa.6006*" | where {$_.MultipathPolicy -ne "RoundRobin"} | Set-ScsiLun -MultipathPolicy RoundRobin } Here in the above code I am calling the list of ESXi Host in the file named as hostfile.txt and passing it to the variable $server and this will create an array of characters over the variable $server , Each character represents Esxi hosts on devops...