
Carrer TIPS

Ten career-damaging behaviours to avoid... “O, how full of briers is this working-day world!” is the famous Shakespearian quote from ‘As You Like It’. External pressures, thorns, obstacles and difficulties aside, how many of us are responsible for unwittingly hampering our chances of career success through our own misplaced and misguided attitudes and behaviours. Below are ten common faux-pas that can ruin a career and should be avoided at all costs. 1. Poor Time Management Missing deadlines, failing to abide by agreed timelines, arriving to meetings late and generally disrespecting approved schedules is a surefire way to lose credibility and professional respect. Try to value each and every minute on the job and recognize the inefficiencies that arise from procrastination and slovenly time management and the impact these have on the organisation as a whole. 2. Failure to Deliver on Promises A promise made should be a promise kept if your professional credibility is to r
16 ways technology is mapping the universe The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), in northern Chile. Image: European Southern Observatory Each year, we gain a slightly better understanding of the nature of the universe and our place in it. FOR MOST OF US, the mapping technology we use on a daily basis is limited to dash-mounted GPS units. No disrespect — I mean, just 10 years ago we were dependent on hard-copy road atlases to get where we were going; cutting-edge meant route-finding in Mapquest and then printing off the pages. But as you read this, hundreds of teams of scientists are working with vastly more complex technologies to map everything from the far reaches of the universe to the most infinitesimally small particles within it. Just a few weeks ago, astro
Worlds Smallest Petrol Engine: Scientists have created the smallest petrol engine in the world ( less than a centimeter long not even half an inch ), small enough to power a watch or any small gadget. The mini-motor, which runs for two years on a single squirt of lighter fuel, is set to revolutionize world technology.It generates 700 times more energy than a conventional battery. It could be used to operate laptops and mobile phones for months doing away with the need for charging. Experts believe it could be phasing out batteries in such items within just six years. The engine, minute enough to be balanced on a fingertip, has been produced by engineers at the University of Birmingham. At present, charging an ordinary battery to deliver one unit of energy involves putting 2,000 units into it. The little engine, because energy is produced locally, is far more effective. One of the main problems faced by engineers who have tried to produce micro motors in the
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The Coming Artilect War Are you a cosmist, a Terran or a cyborgist? Species Dominance The issue of species dominance will dictate our global politics this century. Given the rate at which technologies are developing that enable "artilects"--artificial intellects--it is likely that humanity will be able to build artilects with mental capacities that are literally trillions upon trillions of times above the human level. Humanity will then have to choose whether to become the No. 2 species on the planet or not. The AI Goldmine In the coming few decades, the rise of artificial intelligence will be a veritable goldmine for humankind. I predict that by the year 2030, one of the world's biggest industries will be "artificial brains," used to control home robots that will be genuinely intelligent and useful. Millions, if not billions, of people will be prepared to spend mor